Friday, May 6, 2011


I took the yoga class before I read the article and I found it very interesting and true to what the article was saying about how we think we are really practicing yoga because we go to yoga class a few times in the week. In all actuality, there is so much more to yoga then going to a yoga class and stretching. The article even mention that stretching is actual the third step in practicing yoga. The first two steps are practicing five restraints and five observances, which is suppose to help you to become a better person. The third step, which is stretching, is important health wise because it can give you more energy and just help increase your health in general. One point that the journalist mention was that yoga is a union. Just like marriage is a union, you do not just practice being married a few hours out of the week. So when people want to practice yoga then they should know that it is just more than stretching. The journalist mention at the end that they really just want the reader of the article to understand and know the real and True Yoga.
My experience with yoga was not a very relaxing experience. When I went to the yoga class it was strictly stretching which is very cool but the stretching become very uncomfortable. We stayed in the downward dog pose for a total of thirty minutes it felt like. We would do another pose then after we were done with that pose he would have us going back into downward dog. That pose had my wrist hurting and my head hurting. I did appreciate the instructor coming over and fixing my mat so that it can help relieve some pressure but I would have just preferred not doing that pose at all. I think I was so consumed in how much pain I was in that I really did not get to enjoy a relaxing experience of yoga.